The Celebratory Birthday Song

Last night’s meal at Spice Cottage in Westbourne was a celebration of Ian’s birthday.

As is her wont, Ellie decided she wanted feeding as soon as we were all

seated around the table.

Fortunately Flo had come prepared and Becky was only too keen to dispense the substitute nourishment. The restaurant manager had recognised us when we drove past seeking a parking spot, and informed our daughter and son-in-law that we were on our way. He volunteered to take the group photograph as soon as he had provided a bowl of warm water for Becky to bring the milk to the correct, comfortable, temperature. Once satisfied, our great-granddaughter remained quietly contented for the rest of the evening.

The meal was as good and the service as friendly as ever, and Ian was treated to the customary exuberantly joyful celebratory song in their own tongue from the staff, followed by his special dessert sporting one candle, which we all sampled in turn.

This afternoon I made further headway on reading Richardson’s lengthy 18th century novel, Clarissa. Having passed page 390, I am one quarter into the book. The Folio Society have managed to publish their edition in two volumes, whereas the original required eight.

This evening we dined on cheese and salami pizza with fresh salad. Jackie drank Hoegaarden and I drank Catena Mendoza Malbec 2020.

65 responses to “The Celebratory Birthday Song”

  1. As we grow older, it becomes increasingly important to connect with loved ones – including good friends. I am glad you could all come together for this celebration.

  2. Best wishes for completion of Clarissa! I think of summer as the time to read one long, challenging novel or tome, though one might think of the dark of winter as a better time. Of course, reading under the shade of a tree is problematic in winter. LOL!

  3. Looks like a wonderful gathering! As for the book, if almost 400 pages are only a quarter of the book, I can only guess I would have trouble without a magnifying glass. It’s getting increasingly tricky to read small print – even with the aid of my glasses. Good for you that you can still do it!

    • You are so right about the small print. I have only ever needed glasses for distance – even now. I consider myself extremely lucky, given the amount of reading I have always done. Thanks very much, Anna.

  4. Wishing Ian a Happy Birthday! It is always wonderful to see family gathered together, especially multiple generations, to celebrate life.

    Little Ellie will grow fast and be running about before long. โค๏ธ

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