Sweated Labour

On another sweltering, humid day we made short trips into the garden largely for the purposes of watering, mainly plants in hanging baskets.

Speaking for myself, I needed to wait until I had stopped soaking my T-shirt and recovered from my efforts before I was almost fit enough to wander around to admire our work and produce a few photographs.

As usual the images are titled in the gallery which can be accessed by clicking on any one. They include various petunias; a golden sunflower; a variety of dahlias; a bee on a geranium Rozanne; a bunch of begonias; mauve Japanese anemones purple and red fuchsia Mrs Popple; roses Margaret Merrill, Special Anniversary, For Your Eyes Only, Lady Emma Hamilton, Mamma Mia; and pelargoniums.

This evening we dined on Jackie’s luscious liver and bacon casserole; boiled potatoes; and crunchy carrots and cauliflower, with which the Culinary Queen drank Hop House Lager and I drank more of the Carles.

64 responses to “Sweated Labour”

  1. Believe me, I sympathize. Right now, those of us who earn our livings outdoors are repeating one phrase as a mantra: “Come on, October!” Do be careful out there. Even the young and fit ones can run into trouble in the heat.

  2. As Tootlepedal says, a fine fest of flowers! The fuchsia and rose combination caught my eye too, as did the pelargoniums. A beautiful selection, Derrick and Jackie!

  3. Gorgeous flowers. Thank you so much labeling. But I have a question. That cover photo. It’s labelled begonias, lobelia, erigeron, ivy. But those white flowers in the center that are carnation-ey. Those aren’t any of those, are they?
    My friend is working on her vegetable garden. She got some humongous amount of dirt delivered on Tuesday and it took she and her husband getting up at 4AM to start shoveling each day to finish yesterday! They had to move it to their backyard from the front where it was dumped. YIKES. Too much work and our temps are so high here!!!

  4. Your garden is beautiful, as always — I’m glad the heat doesn’t seem to be affecting it! We’ve had heat here as well recently — up to 100 where I am, and another 20 above that farther inland. At least our heat is somewhat dry ๐Ÿ™‚ . Do take care as you take care of the garden!

  5. Your garden multiply repays all your loving labors! I was in mine today and was soaked from head to foot with sweat. Looked like I’d wet my pants by the end, but was rescued by the rest of myself being dripping as well. But it’s feeding me magnificently, though I haven’t written for a while.

  6. Please stay safe with this hot humid weather! Even the smallest bit of labour will bring on the sweat.
    The TLC you two are giving the garden shows…the flowers and plants are thriving! ๐Ÿ™‚ So beautiful! ๐Ÿ™‚
    HUGS, Jackie and Derrick!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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