Tag: paths

  • On The Brink of October

    This morning I trained my camera on the garden from various vantage points beginning with our en suite bathroom window. From the patio can be seen, against the kitchen wall, some of the glorious zinnias that Jackie grew from seed and spread abundantly around the beds; and this corner of the Pond Bed sporting Delta’s […]

  • Volunteers, Casualties, Survivors

    Our Head Gardener this morning toured the garden making a pictorial record of its current condition now the full force of the heatwave seems to have subsided somewhat. Some may consider that the task which fell to me – loading the pictures into the computer, making the tiled gallery and titling the individual images with […]

  • A Stream Of Cyclists

    Yesterday Jackie put in more work perfecting the Rose Garden clearance. The path leading to the white seat had been weeded by Flo. When she noticed the bag of recycling material outside our front door ripped open this morning with its contents distributed round the garden, Jackie wondered what had done this. After she cleared […]

  • South End Back In Order

    Martin finished the work on and around the Oval Bed – pictured in progress and on completion. The Rose Garden has been rather neglected during the last week or so. Our friend just had time to shave the rampant red carpet rose and bag up the clippings before it was time for him to return […]

  • Enough For A Splash

    Our Waterboy feature had been reduced to a mere trickle by the narrow pipe feeding the fountain from the pump being clogged up. Jackie spent much of the morning clearing the blockages and restoring normal working order. I dozed over an Iris Murdoch for most of this very hot day until 5 p.m. when I […]

  • The Garden At The Start Of July

    Yesterday evening Jackie finished her work on the Lawn Bed. She also continued her general maintenance, such as the Weeping Birch Bed weeding and replanting, following Flo’s earlier work on the footpath. Early this morning Jackie and I transported the last of the garden refuse to the Efford Recycling Centre, after which we purchased three […]

  • Posting, Reading, And Gardening

    This morning I posted https://derrickjknight.com/2022/06/27/a-knights-tale-142-the-crash-and-the-flood/ Later I carried out dead heading and weeding then read more of Doris Lessing, after which, while Jackie continued her general garden maintenance I wandered around the garden (pictures of which are titled in the gallery) before watching the highlights of the final day of the New Zealand/England cricket Test […]

  • A Sunless Sultry Day

    On this sunless sultry morning Jackie watered, I dead headed, and Martin carried out the heavier garden maintenance. Before he left, I printed him an A4 portrait I had produced on his last visit. Later, I wandered around with my camera. As usual, individual titles can be found in the images gallery. This evening all […]

  • Clearing Paths

    Before lunch on another very hot day I posted https://derrickjknight.com/2022/06/04/a-knights-tale-136-an-eventful-move/ Jackie and Flo had spent much of yesterday afternoon and, in, Flo’s case, evening, working on weeding and clearing paths. This afternoon I carried much of the remaining refuse to the compost bins; photographed a few more roses whose names are given in the gallery; […]

  • From One Scent To Another

    The usual division of labour applied to garden maintenance this searingly hot day, although Flo had worked until it was too long after dark to see, finishing the last of the compost and plants; and filling our score of watering cans. As soon as I had prised my nostrils from the scented rose bushes, had […]

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